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How it works

Start with 3 easy steps

Find your car

Explore your ideal rental car, meet the owner, and read reviews. Search by price, location, and car type. Connect with the owner for any questions, ensuring a good experience.

Book it

Instantly book the perfect rental car or request to book and confirm with ease. Connect with the owner through our built-in chat and enjoy 24/7 support from Veekle.

Hit the road

Once confirmed, you’re all set for your next adventure. Choose to pick up the car at your preferred location or have it delivered. Get the keys and go!.

Create a Listing

Veekle helps you manage your listing with ease. Share stylish photos, set your own rates, and establish your rules. Turn your rental car into a reliable source of extra income.

Accept Reservations

You can choose to auto-accept bookings or personally approve each request. Get to know the traveler, read reviews, and communicate through our built-in chat feature.

Get paid

Once you confirm the vehicle handoff, Veekle initiates payment within 24 hours. Funds typically reach your account within 1 to 15 days. Let’s do this again!


Choose a car that’s right for you

2019 Toyota RAV4 LE (0 Trip)

  • Automatic
  • Seats 5
  • SUV

Located in Portmore, Jamaica


2022 Toyota Yaris (1 Trip)

  • Automatic
  • Seats 5
  • Sedan

Located in Spanish Town, Jamaica


2019 Honda CR-V (0 Trip)

  • Automatic
  • Seats 5
  • SUV

Located in Portmore, Jamaica


Our Promise

Car renting without the risk



Start earning by renting your car


Share your car with trusted travelers and enjoy worry-free extra income. Let Veekle handle the details while you reap the rewards.

Insurance Protection

Safe and secure with Veekle


With Veekle, your peace of mind is our priority. Our insurance partner ensures that you and the car are protected every step of the way, allowing you to rent with confidence and ease.


Car rental at your finger tips


Booking: Find and reserve the perfect car with just a few taps.


Notifications: Stay updated with real-time alerts and reminders.


Messaging: Stay in touch with owners through our instant chat feature.


Support: Access our dedicated support team whenever you need assistance.
